
This website is a showcase of works by Austrian designer and artist Felix Nömayr, currently operated by himself as a private individual. Please note that this information, as well as all other content provided on this website, are subject to possible change.


Unless stated differently, all content displayed on this website and the website itself are intellectual property of Felix Nömayr. No parts may be reproduced in any form without explicit prior permission.


This website and the works shown on it have been created with great care – nevertheless, can the occurrence of errors never be completely ruled out. Please do get in touch if you come across information that does not appear to be correct.

Third party links may contain links to third-party websites. As the contents of such websites are exclusively under external control, no liability can or should be assumed.

Privacy Policy

Felix Nömayr is not interested in your data. He is an advocate of every person's right to their own information and thus does not gather, store or utilise any data related to the use of this website – apart from likely keeping your email address and the contents of such emails in case you reach out to him, unless requested otherwise. However, as this website runs using Cargo, a third-party publishing platform, it cannot be guaranteed that no personal data will be collected, processed or used when you visit If you are interested to find out all about this, please visit Cargo’s own privacy policy under the following link: Felix Nömayr can furthermore not guarantee that other third-party companies (such as domain or video hosts etc.) that may be linked to this website will not make use of your data or generally will treat it with the same respect as he aims to.

Kellermanngasse 3, Top 7
1070 Vienna (AT)

© Felix Nömayr, 2022. All rights reserved.

Updated: 08/12/2022, 18:03